Cosponsored by Shenyang University of Technology (SUT), Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), the 9th Conference on China Biometric Recognition (CCBR 2014) was held in Shenyang from Nov 7 to Nov 9, 2014.
Prof. YUAN Weiqi, Chairman of CCBR2014, from the Department of Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument, School of Information Science and Engineering, hosted both the Opening and Closing Ceremony. Prof. LI Rongde, President of SUT, Mr. LI Hongyin Vice-chairman of Shenyang Association for Science and Technology (SAST), Academician TAN Tieniu, Deputy Secretary General of CAS, made opening speeches respectively.
The success of this Conference, which promotes the academic exchange and cooperation in the field of biometric recognition in China, has made a positive role in boosting the reputation and influence of SUT Information Discipline.