In the morning of March 19, ZHANG Zhiqiang, President of Liaoning University of Science and Technology, and his 20-member delegation visited our university and in-depth exchanges and discussions were held between the two sides. GUO Lianjun, President of our university, briefed them on the history and situation of Shenyang University of Technology, our university’s talent cultivation, discipline and specialty construction, scientific research, faculty team building, international exchange and cooperation, internal management, construction of campus culture and so on. GUO also highlighted our university’s successful experience of reform and innovation at present. ZHANG Zhiqiang introduced the background and aim of their delegation for visiting our university and the situation of their university. He hoped that, through their research and study in our university this time, his delegation could acquire the essence of our successful experience which could be helpful for their university to pass the forthcoming professional engineering certification. The two sides conducted extensive exchanges on issues of mutual concern, which played a positive role in promoting our respective work in the future.