News & Events
Our university achieved good results in the 2019 Liaoning University Students Computer Design Competition

The 2019 Liaoning University Computer Design Competition was held recently. 7 works from our university won the first prize, 8 works won the second prize, and 9 works won the third prize in this competition. 36 works from our university participated in this competition. The type of these works is more diverse, their amount is much bigger, and their quality is much higher than those participating in the previous competitions. These results fully demonstrate our students’ sufficient expertise in computer skill and their ability to apply information technology to solving practical problems.

Pre:Liaoning Provincial Symposium on “Building China’s Gold Course” was successfully held in our university

Next:Sino-German Xinsong Educational Science and Technology Group came to our university and participated in the discussion on the cooperation of the mixed ownership with our university in running schools



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