From December 3 to 4, 2020, the 2nd Kunshan International Forum on Precision Manufacturing and Industrial Exhibition was jointly organized by Shenyang University of Technology and Science and Technology Bureau of Kunshan Development Zone. It attracted more than 40 precision manufacturing enterprises at home and abroadas well as nearly 350 foreign and domestic experts and scholars in the field of precision manufacturing and precision measurement.The theme of the forum is“Precision and intelligent manufacturing creates and leads the future”. At the foruma special symposium in Semiconductor Wafer Cutting was conducted and 17 domestic and foreign experts in the field of precision manufacturing made reports at the symposium. This forum was jointly initiated by Guo Dongming, academician of Dalian University of Technology, Professor Cheng Kai of Brunel University and other experts in the Precision Manu facturing and Industrial Exhibition. It mainly focused on discussions on advanced manufacturing fields such as precision machine tools, air bearing spindles and guides, and diamond cutting tools. This forum made a difference in promoting the development of China’s precision manufacturing technology to an international top level in this field.