On the morning of December 22, 2020, a delegationled by Liu Cuirong, deputy secretary of the Council of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology paid a visit to Shenyang University of Technology (SUT). The two universities mutually shared their experiences in the development and management of their universities. He Youchun, vice presidentof SUT, briefly introduced the general situation of the development of the University and the achievements and work progress it made during the 13th Five-Year Plan. Directors of Department of Organization of the University Council, Department of Propaganda, Students’ Affairs Office, and Recruitment and Employment Office respectively introduced their experience in leadership assessment, student cultivation, and student recruitment and employment. Deputy secretary Liu Cuirong introduced the general situation of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology. Other members of the delegation of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Liu Xiangjun, Zhang Huifeng, Dong Chaohui and Zhao Mingyu, also had in-depth discussions with their counterparts of SUT on their work in their respective fields.