Recently, the Ministry of Education(MOE)issued the notice ontheapproval of undergraduatespecialtiesinhigher education institutionsin 2021 (No. 14).The specialty of IntelligentConstructionof SUT was approved by the MOE asa newspecialty forundergraduateengineering major. Thisspecialty plans to startrecruiting studentsin the autumn semester of 2022.
In recent years, theUniversity hastaken somemeasures in specialty development to meet the need ofnational development strategy, economic and social developmentin Liaoningandthreeleveledindustries.These measures includeacceleratingdiscipline construction, issuingmanagement measures for dynamicadjustmentof specialty structure, creatingmechanisms such as linkage between employment rate and enrollment planand so on.In doing so, the University aims tocreate anadvantageous specialty by formingan overalllayoutof thedisciplinesled byelectromechanical advantageousdisciplinesandmeanwhilecoveringotherdisciplines, including engineering, science, economics, management, literature, law and art.