News & Events
The Inaugural Meeting of the Education Foundation of SUT held on the Central Campus

On August 21st, 2023, the Inaugural Meeting of the Education Foundation of Shenyang University of Technology was held at the central campus, with over 200 people attending the meeting. At the meeting, the Foundation was officially announced to be established, donation certificates being issued to the donors and letters of appoint being granted to the main members of the Foundation. The President of Shenyang Alumni Association of SUT delivered a speech and congratulated on the establishment of the Education Foundation, and the alumni representatives expressed their gratitude to Shenyang University of Technology and stated that they would continue to carry forward the spirit of SUT. Meanwhile, many university-enterprise cooperation agreements were signed and the 75th anniversary of the University was celebrated at the meeting.

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Next:11 Achievements of SUT Win the 2022 Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Awards



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