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20 Projects of SUT Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Social Science Foundation in 2023

National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences released the result of review on National Natural Science Foundation Projects and National Social Science Foundation Projects for the year 2023. 20 projects of SUT received a funding of 9.23 million yuan in total from the two Foundation. These projects are 19 National Natural Science Foundation projects, including 1 key project of the Regional Innovation and Development Joint Fund, 1 research fund project for foreign scholars, 5 general projects, and 12 youth fund projects, and 1 National Social Science Foundation project. These funded projects are the new breakthroughs SUT has made in the application of national funds, which are considered as important indicators for evaluating the level of scientific research of the university. Next, the university will pay great attention to the management of these projects by way of overall planning, active mobilization, and precise guidance to ensure their successful completion.

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