News & Events
SUT held the 2nd Liaoning Northeast Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Forum

On December 17, the2ndLiaoning Northeast Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Forum was successfully held in the science hall ofSUT. The forum was hosted byLiaoningProvincialPublicityDepartment ofthe CPC,Liaoning ProvincialDepartmentofEducation,Liaoning ProvincialDepartment of Human Resources and Social Security, Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and Social Science Association of Liaoning Province and co-hosted by Northeast Asia Economic Cooperation and Free Trade Experiment Base, School of Economics ofSUT, Social Science Federation ofSUTand Shenyang Municipal “One Belt and One Road” Research Center. Zhao Jing, deputy secretary of the PartyCommittee ofSUT, attended the meeting and delivered a welcome speech. Li Hong, director of Social Science Association of Liaoning Province, attended andspoke atthe meeting.

Pre:SUT obtained excellent results in the annual assessment of the disciplines under the “double first-class” construction project in Liaoning Province

Next:Two laboratories of SUT approved the key laboratories in Liaoning province



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