
The School of Management of Shenyang University of Technology dated back to the establishment of the Department of Management Engineering of Shenyang University of Technology in 1981. With its expansion and development, its name had been changed into the School of Economics and Trade, the School of Economics and Management. It has been the School of Management since 2002 when the School of Economics and Management was divided into two schools: the School of Management and the School of Economics. The School of Management now runs 1 Level-1 Doctoral Program (Management Science and Engineering), 2 Leve-1 Academic Master Programs (Management Science and Engineering, and Business Administration), 4 Level-2 Academic Master Programs (Master of Business Administration, Master of Accounting, Master of Technological Economics and Management, and Master of Tourism Management), 4 Professional Master Programs (Master of Business Administration [MBA], Master of Engineering Management[MEM], Master of Professional Accounting [MPAcc], Master of Project Management [MPM]), and 6 Bachelor Programs (Bachelor of Engineering Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Marketing, Bachelor of Logistics Management, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Electronic Commerce).

The School of Management has many education and research platforms such as Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory for the Management Engineering of Equipment Manufacturing, Research Center for Micro-economic Management Theory and Application under Liaoning Provincial Key Research Base for University Humanities and Social Sciences, Liaoning Provincial Research Base for the Development of Equipment of Manufacturing Industries, and Liaoning Provincial Exemplary Center for Experimentation Education, etc.

There are about 80 faculty and staff members in the School of Management, almost half of them are either professors or associate professors. There are more than 1300 registered undergraduate students and more than 700 registered graduate students.


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